You know that feeling, where you have your heart set on something, and everything is lining up perfectly, I mean EVERYTHING!!! To the point where it seems like the momentum is on your side – and it’s happening for sure…
And then it doesn’t.
And you’re left with a hollow feeling that just seems sort of… wrong?
I was there recently, too. For three years, I had been envisioning a specific dream home for our family, and amazingly, a house had totally come out of the blue.
I LOVED it. It checked every single “dream” box for a home. And even my husband was on board- without me having to try to convince him!
We put an offer in and were the only ones with an offer in for a week- but it ended up going to someone else.
When I found out my heart sank.
I felt soooo disappointed. We didn’t get the house that I truly believed was the perfect house for us, and at first, I didn’t know how to work through what I was feeling.
But I remembered what I learned from one of my coaches, and suddenly it clicked. And that’s the step-by-step process I’m going to teach you today.
Using this process, I was able to work with my feelings efficiently rather than trying to repress them, move past them, or, on the other end of the spectrum, get stuck there.
I think this process can help you, too, the next time you’re dealing with emotions and don’t know how to keep from spiraling, getting derailed or going down the rabbit hole of “I don’t think my dream is ever going to come true.”
The most important thing to remember, is what you’re feeling is NORMAL. We can all feel disappointed when something doesn’t work out the way we envisioned it.
To process emotions in the moment:
#1 Feel the feelings fully for 90 seconds. That is all you need to fully be present with yourself. You can even say out loud “I’m really disappointed right now.” Or write it out on paper if you prefer.
#2 Then, go to “It’s this or something even greater still.” This statement helps remind you that this one thing not working out means that there must be something even better for you.
#3 Revisit your vision. I returned to my vision for a dream home, and let that energy wash over me. Doing that aligns me to what I want, so I can be ready for the next step that’s available to move me toward my dream.
#4 The disappointment may arise multiple times! It’s ok. Pause, breathe, go back to your vision, let yourself feel the feeling that it has already worked out, and repeat “It’s this or something even greater still.”
Know that this can work not just for disappointment, but for anger, sadness or any emotion that arises. And, I invite you to trust the process.
That particular home turned out not to be the “one”…
But I’m still on the path. I’m taking steps like looking at new homes, packing up my house, staying in the energy of my vision and I’m ready to sign when the dream home appears.
I’m still trusting there is “something greater still,” that already exists, and is coming down the pipeline. And, in staying connected to my vision, I am setting myself up to not only attract, but also receive the vision that I’m in love with.