Love Your Legacy Coaching

Let What You Want Chase You

Trying to create a new reality (a better life, filled with more of what you really want, more love, fun, connection, money, freedom, adventure, health, etc.) while hanging on to old limiting beliefs leads to struggle and disappointment. 

Yet most of the time, we’re unaware that these beliefs are running the show.

We’re taught that hard work, timing and luck are the main ingredients to success yet manifestation doesn’t work that way. Maybe those are good things when they’re in our favor, but there’s more to it. 

The good news is, achieving success can be easier than you think.What if Life itself wants for us what we want, and is holding nothing back from us? I’ve found that it’s the limiting, habitual belief patterns, the ones I grew up with, that obstruct me from living the version of life I say I want.

“Never chase what you want. Elevate your vibration so what you want chases you.” 

– Unknown Author

The other day, I read this quote and it got me thinking… what if you and I could trade in those limiting habits of thinking for more empowered beliefs that magnetize us to all the forms of life we would love? 

We’ve all been programmed with some unhelpful habits of believing, that can seem to derail our success. Here’s the thing, though- know that it’s not your fault. 

Having limiting beliefs doesn’t make you a bad person.  It comes with being human, right? The great new is, you and I can change our beliefs.

I’ve noticed in me, one limiting belief in particular, which goes something like, “I need others approval or I’ll be abandoned, ostracized or die. (A form of people pleasing).My mentor pointed out that most of us have early-on programming that says, “If we don’t please our parents, we’re going to die.” 

And it makes sense, because on some level, that’s true. As babies, we’re not equipped to care for ourselves. We actually DO need shelter, food, clothing and love, if we’re going to survive.  

As someone who’s parents got divorced when I was quite young, an event that planted a seed of a deep sense of loss and insecurity, I definitely grew up learning that if I am a good girl and do everything right, don’t upset the adults, don’t ask for too much, and do anything I can to gain their approval, then maybe I’ll be safe.  

I learned to confuse love with approval.  And so began my people pleasing-perfectionist patterns of operating.

By some miracle, I’ve recently become aware of this tendency in me, in a way that I can observe the thought process without being caught up in it. I noticed the voice of this pattern, which says, “If I’m good enough, I’ll be approved of, I’ll be safe, I’ll be loved.”  

Can you relate? Has perfectionism or people-pleasing ever ruled your thoughts and actions?  

Pruning away old, limiting beliefs is a process of self-love, and increases opportunities and a sense of flow. It’s a start to getting your subconscious powerhouse on board with bringing to life your heart’s desire. 

It’s a start to elevating your vibration, so what you want chases you.


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